Tongue web piercing is a very interesting type of oral piercing. I added it to the tongue piercing category; however, it’s not actually going through the tongue.
Tongue web piercing goes through the webbing right under the tongue – you know, the one which becomes visible when you lift up your tongue.
They say that the healing process is quite fast and usually no complications are observed – of course, if you adhere to the proper tongue piercing aftercare advice.
And it all makes sense because the small web under the tongue is a tiny little piece of tissue and no wonder it heals fast.
However, one thing puzzles me when I see the tongue web piercing. Namely – who’s going to see this piercing if you don’t lift up your tongue? We get body piercings so that the others would see them, right? And even if you have a genital piercing you don’t have to lift up any flop of skin so that the piercing becomes visible…
Anyway, there are folks who have this kind of tongue piercing and most likely it comes with a combination with other piercings. You know – just to make fun and boast to friends to have a body piercing they don’t have.
Well, on the other hand, the fact that no-one is going to see your tongue web piercing can be actually an advantage. Let’s assume you really want some facial or oral body piercing. But you have a job, for example, where the company’s policy forbids wearing body jewelry. Even the usual tongue ring may be noticed by your boss.
So this is when the tongue web piercing comes handy. No-one on Earth will tell you that you have your tongue pierced and sure you won’t lift up your tongue when speaking to your boss, will you?
Oh yes, if you’re probably wondering if the tongue web piercing has been recorded in the ancient cultures and tribes – the answer is: ‘no’. There are no recordings known to us that someone before the 90ies would have their tongue web pierced…