Tongue Piercing Cleaning – The Right Way!

Tongue Piercing CleaningAfter you get your tongue pierced, your piercer will likely give you a list of aftercare instructions that you must follow carefully to avoid infections. This will help your tongue heal as quickly as possible and you can enjoy wearing all that tongue jewelry you have been checking out!

Here is how you should go ahead with your tongue piercing cleaning:

The main thing with tongue piercing cleaning is oral hygiene. So go in for a non-alcohol anti-bacterial mouth rinse. If you want to use Listerine, remember that it can be quite strong and you may need to dilute it with water before use at least for the first two weeks. Undiluted mouthwash can cause ulcers and slow down your tongue’s natural ability to heal. Rinse out your mouth after each meal and snack!

When you brush your teeth, do not brush your tongue as it can irritate the tongue piercing. If there is a yellowish film on your tongue or a whitish ring around the barbell under the tongue after a couple of days, there is no need to worry, as it is part of the healing process!

Remember never to use the following with a fresh tongue piercing cleaning: Hydrogen peroxide, Epsom salts, table salt, tea tree oil, Betadine, Neosporin or any other ointment. Only use items that the aftercare instructions specifically list.

Some plaque can form on your jewelry and this must be removed carefully. You can use a very soft toothbrush to do this. Once the piercing heals, you can use an anti-plaque mouthwash. The jewelry can also be removed and cleaned once a month.

First mornings after the tongue piercing make sure you have cold water and ice cubes at hand, since the swelling is maximum during this time.

Avoid very hot or spicy food. Stick with cold foods instead during the healing process.

You may want to ensure that the balls on the barbell are tight, so remember to wash your hands clean with germicidal soap before you touch your piercing.

Another thing: don’t chew fingernails or put your pen in your mouth. No oral sex or kissing at least for two weeks to avoid infections! 😉

At the first sign of any problem with your piercing, get in touch with your piercer. Never attempt to remove the barbell on your own. After a couple of weeks, go back to your piercer to get a shorter barbell on your tongue piercing as the right size will keep your teeth getting damaged!

cleaning a tongue piercing, how to clean tongue after piercing, pierced tongue cleaning, tongue piercing care and cleaning, tongue piercing cleaning

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