Lip Piercing – So Sensual…

Lip PiercingLip piercing is very popular these days – if we don’t look at some extreme lip piercing types involving lip stretching, other lip piercing types like labret piercing or Monroe (Madonna) piercing can be considered similar to a mainstream body piercing like ears, navel or nose.

Special type of lip body jewelry has also been created to support the ever-growing demand after this sort of piercings and they’re called labret rings.

Of course, they don’t look like rings at all because they’re actually straight barbells with a special flattened ending. But as we all know, it’s common for everyone to refer to a all types of body jewelry as ‘rings’ – belly button rings, tongue rings, nose rings

You can wear these labret rings in both labret piercings and Monroe piercings simply because the Monroe piercing is just a version of labret piercing. You see, technically you could call just about any lip piercing right above and under the lip a labret piercing because the very word ‘labret’ comes from ‘labrum’ which means ‘a lip’.

However, various names have been given to different lip piercings depending on where exactly they are inserted.

Medusa piercing is a variation of labret and is positioned right above the curved part of the upper lip – under the nose.

Bites – a type of lip piercing when two symmetrically positioned labret rings or real rings are inserted into the lip bearing some resemblance to positioning of snake’s or vampire’s fangs. There are different bites lip piercings – snakebites, spiderbites, viperbites and others.

Talking of these, there is another oral piercing where a similarity to animal’s fangs is achieved – venom piercing in the tongue.

When you go for lip piercing you can pierce area just above or under the lip. However, some boys and girls pierce their very red parts of lips! So there is a type of lip piercing called horizontal lip piercing when a barbell goes through the lower lip horizontally and emerges on the either side. In this case some type of flexible body jewelry is needed – Bioplast, PTFE, Tygon or Teflon.

Talking about lip piercing healing times – these body piercings heal pretty fast. Starting from 3 weeks and taking up to a couple of months the lip piercings usually don’t present any complications if proper lip piercing aftercare recommendations are observed.

facial piercing, lip labret piercing, lip pierced, lip piercing, lip piercing aftercare, lip piercing care, lip piercing healing, lip piercing ring, lip piercing rings, lip piercing stud, lip piercing studs, lip piercings, oral piercing, surface lip piercing

3 Responses

  1. Omg… I’ve wanted a lip peircing (spiderbites on both sides) for like three years but my mum wouldn’t let me ! She’s still not bloody letting me !

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