Large Gauge Tongue Rings

Many people prefer to wear large gauge tongue rings after they stretch their tongue piercing. Tongue rings are available in a wide range of gauges as you might already know. 😉 The standard size is the 14 gauge. 12 or 10 gauge and even larger – up to 00 are used for stretched tongue piercings. Most body jewelry and piercers will keep a gauge chart for their reference to see the actual size of the rings. When we say large gauge tongue rings, we actually mean the diameter of the ring as well as the piercing where the piercer will insert the barbell or captive bead ring. Body jewelry thickness is measured using the American wire gauge system.

Tongue Piercing Gauges

As you would have noticed, the larger gauge tongue rings have a small gauge number since small diameters are referred to with larger gauge numbers and vice versa. So if you are told 20 gauge it would be a tiny nose ring. While belly piercings use the standard 14 gauge, eyebrow rings can be 16 gauge. This means that gauge depends on the kind of body piercing you have opted for.

You can find a variety of large gauge tongue rings here – just scroll down and have a look around! Large piercings need thicker sized jewelry. Some people just love the look of large gauge tongue rings and can stretch their tongue piercings to incredible sizes! ❗ One of the most stylish is the 12 Gauge steel barbell Tongue Ring finished to a high gloss. This barbell is about 19 mm long and made of 316L surgical stainless steel with two highly polished 6 mm surgical steel ball ends. Steel is a safe material for body jewelry and suits most people.

Similarly there are also 10-gauge steel barbell tongue rings 16 mm long with 6 mm steel ball ends. If you prefer to make a statement then the 6 gauge steel barbell with the 19 mm shaft and 8 mm steel ball ends looks really good. Among the most striking looking large gauge tongue rings is the 00 gauge that is 19 mm long and made of stainless steel with 12 mm balls!

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big gauge tongue barbells, big gauge tongue jewelry, big gauge tongue piercings, big gauge tongue rings, large gauge tongue barbells, large gauge tongue jewelry, large gauge tongue piercings, large gauge tongue rings

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