The labret piercing is basically a piercing located through the lower lip. It can be done in any position under the lip, though where it is positioned is extremely important!
If the piercer gets it wrong then the bar will sink into the lip and in some cases the jewellery can actually rub the gum which will in turn cause it to recede.
Another thing that the piercer has to avoid is the inferior labial artery.
This is responsible for supplying blood to all of the muscles around the mouth and puncturing it would obviously be extremely hazardous.
Things You Should Know
The labret piercing is usually done by the position first being marked and then a Foerster clamp is used to pull the lip away from the jaw. Once ready the piercer will pierce the lip with a needle and the jewellery that you have chosen will be placed in straight afterwards. Once this is done the needle will be removed and the clamps will be released.
Most piercers tend to pierce the lip from the outside. However, it has been revealed that if the piercing were to be done from the inside to the outside then it would be quite painless! So you could always ask the piercer about this when you have your consultation.
It can take up to three months for a labret piercing to heal. If you want to help it along a little then you can always use a saline solution. If you are having trouble finding a suitable saline solution then choose one which is designed to clean contact lenses. Many people make the mistake of moving the jewellery in their piercing backwards and forwards. As tempting as this may be you could actually be causing damage and that will cause the healing process to be lengthened.
Labret piercings are usually done with a 16g needle. This ensures that the piercing does not look abnormal; especially on women. Most people find that a labret stud is the best type of jewellery to wear in a labret piercing. However you do have a number of options to choose from. Overall labret piercings can look really good just as long as you take care of them properly!
Recommended for Labret Piercing Jewelry www.BodyJewelryHouse.Com
2 Responses
ahh i wanted this so bad. but i watched this video before and it lookd like it hurt so much.
also i have alot of sport what would be the best thing to do when i it peirced? to take it out compleatly or to get it peirced with a retainer thing so i wont have to take it out and just be super carful??
also what is the smallest bar you can get?
I just had my lip pierced. And truthfully, it didn’t hurt at all. Like it said, she pierced from the inside out and I honestly felt nothing. And it looks great 🙂