Just think about it. You’ve got a brand new body piercing and everything looks good – and it starts to heal. Then you go and rotate the jewelry. What could happen?
You will just interfere with the healing process, breaking the tissue. This forces the healing to begin all over again!
Don’t get it? What I’m saying is – DO NOT, repeat – DO NOT listen to someone who tells you that you should rotate the jewelry in a new piercing to speed up the healing process. If you do this, you will only be inviting skin allergies and irritations, infection and a much longer healing time than you bargained for!
Once you get the piercing, chances are excellent that the healing will start and finish just as you expect it to, so long as you follow all the aftercare instructions given by your piercer.
Keep the piercing clean as recommended and never ever touch it with unwashed hands. So this holds good for touching the jewelry as well. Our body has a natural mechanism for healing and your piercer would tell you what to expect and what to be cautious about. So when you turn the body jewelry, you will be opening up the piercing wound by disturbing the tissue around it. By doing this, the piercing will behave like a fresh piercing each time, increasing your risk of infection.
So remember, do not necessarily touch the body jewelry during the healing process!
3 Responses
But i heard that if you dont rotate the stud, the skin will heal over your piercing and it will get stuck inside.
ok so my friend got her lip done i know its not the same thing. but she didnt move it or anything and the skin grew over the back of the stud and she had to get it cut out. im thinking this is the same for ur ears or anything for that matter. my atfer care tells me to turn it it has become swollen i think and is sore and red around it. but in saying that i got it with the gun and keep touching it. i read ice helps get the swelling down which i think has started to work. im going to go back to the shop and ask them what they think i need to do as i can feel my ear around the stud hot. i think its jsut better to keep puting ice and cleaning stuff on it aswell as turning it and see what the shop ppl say about it.
If you dont rotate the piercing will discharge not build up in it?