Bioplast Body Jewelry

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Getting a new body piercing? What’s the most important thing that will require your attention during the next few weeks? Yes, it’s piercing aftercare.

So allow me to introduce you to Bioplast body jewelry!

Have you ever heard of Bioplast? Let me tell you a few things about it.

The very word ‘Bioplast’ originates from two words – ‘biological’ and ‘plastic’. So as you can already guess, this is a biocompatible type of plastic. This essentially means that it isn’t going to interfere with your body’s cells and fluids when inserted into a fresh piercing wound!

So it’s no wonder Bioplast has been recognized as one of the best materials for initial body piercings. When you get a new piercing and insert Bioplast body jewelry, you can rest assured that the likelihood of developing some allergic reaction and swelling is minimized.

Another benefit of wearing Bioplast is its flexibility. Well, there’s another material that is even more flexible than Bioplast – it’s PTFE. However, unless you really need a massive range of movement in the healing piercing, like in a navel industrial piercing, you’ll do just fine with Bioplast body jewelry.

So why is the flexibility an advantage? Simply – the fresh piercing is going to be less traumatized because the flexible Bioplast jewelry will adjust to the body movements while it’s healing.

Bioplast body jewelry can also be sterilized up to 121° C and you shouldn’t have any problems taking it with you when you go to get pierced. As Bioplast comes in all imaginable color variations, you can pick your favourite barbell or ring even before going to the studio and get it inserted.

Otherwise you have to wait until the new piercing heals. And sometimes people are so tempted to remove the boring plain barbell and insert the new one…that they ignore the fact that their piercing hasn’t healed properly yet.

The result when inserting the new piece of jewelry? They damage the half-healed piercing hole and it can swell up again and start oozing.

So to avoid all this fuss – simply choose a nice looking Bioplast body jewelry in the very beginning and ask your piercer to insert it!

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13 Responses

  1. I think bioplast is an amazing and I plan on using it for my piercing. However, I have a quick question. I have been reading articles about bioplast, and it says to sterilize using an “autoclave”??? I want to know exactly what that is, will I witness this sterilization, and What are the outcomes if the sterilization doesn’t take place? Can they use alcohol instead to sterilize? Please give me ALL THE KNOWLEDGE on sterilizing!!! Please!! Thanks

    1. An autoclave is a device used to sterilize piercings by subjecting them to high pressure steam, usually at 100 degrees or more to eliminate any possibility of infection from the jewelry. The sterelization will usually take place just before your piercing is performed so you should be able to see it in practice. Non-sterelization increases the risk of infection. Alcohol is not used as it tends to irritate the piercing, and should not be used to clean the piercing.

  2. I think bioplast is an amazing and I plan on using it for my piercing. However, I have a quick question. I have been reading articles about bioplast, and it says to sterilize using an “autoclave”??? I want to know exactly what that is, will I witness this sterilization, and What are the outcomes if the sterilization doesn’t take place? Can they use alcohol instead to sterilize? Please give me ALL THE KNOWLEDGE on sterilizing!!! Please!! Thanks

  3. though the true origins of body piercing are rights of passage and tributes to suffering expressed with metal and bone. there are always reinventions of what was once old is new, bringing me to bioplast. for piercing of an orface (mouth/genital) this is by far the best material…..if you want your piercing to FEEL like it’s ALWAYS been part of your body, you cant have better. extra cleaning of this material is necessary(if you had a plastic retainer in high school you’ll know what i mean) but the comfort is well worth it…and most fit metal,resin,bone spikes and beads.

  4. Does the bioplast material contain any metal or metalic element? I ask because I occasionally need MRIs and the last time in the hour it took to do the mri, the holes of my nipple peircing had begun to reclose. And now that I’m repierced I’m looking for completely non metalc jewelry so hopefully I can prevent a repeat

  5. The bioplast sounds like it’s very safe & the best option for a new piercing, but is it an option for an old piercing or something for long term use? I have lost the ball for the stud on my tragus piercing & I’m having a hard time finding a replacement stud. Everything I’m finding is bioplast.

  6. Hello.
    I got my lip pierced 2months ago. I went in to the piercer and after 2 weeks of healing he put in a shorter post for me. Well turns out my lip jewlery got way too big after he put in a smaller post! That’s after measuring my lip. I am assuming that my piercing actually healed more? So I would recommend not to get your post sized down at exactly 2 weeks. I would wait about 3-4 weeks.
    I ordered 2 bioplast lip jewelry pieces and I hoping they are more comforable then the metal.

  7. hello! This was a wonderful, helpful artical. But I was just wondering, a online store had a description about bioplast, and they said it can be cut down to the perfect size?? Is this true and can you do this if the piercing you have gotten is too long? Just wondering.

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